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Atlanta Affordable Attorney Slip and Fall Atlanta FAQ

Atlanta Affordable Attorney Slip and Fall Atlanta

How to Choose an Affordable Slip And Fall Attorney


Slip and fall accidents are common. They can, however, cause serious injuries and have long rehabilitation periods. The patient may have to be operated upon and end up spending considerable time being hospitalized. This time can cost them dearly in terms of professional and social opportunities. 

A victim of a slip and fall incident can choose to file a lawsuit against the negligence of the premises owner who failed to maintain the premises in safe condition which resulted in the slip and fall incident. It is important to identify and select the ideal attorney for fighting a slip and fall case. The important tips for choosing a good slip and fall attorney are as follows:

Background Research

The client should do a thorough background research on the attorney. They can take referrals from their family and friends who have availed the services of an attorney for slip and fall cases. Their referrals and feedback can help in identifying the potential attorney. Online reviews of the law firm and the attorney can also form the basis of assessing them.

The affordable slip and fall Atlanta attorney should be asked about their past client’s details, who can provide valuable insights on their experiences with them. If someone is unwilling to share their past client details then it may mean that they are new to this type of claim or do not have sufficient satisfied clients. This type of attorneys should be overlooked.

Relevant Experience

Slip and fall cases are different in nature and it is always recommended to select attorneys who have sufficient experience and expertise of fighting such cases earlier. The past track record pertaining to the number of similar lawsuits handled, the number of wins, the average compensation records etc. should be analyzed to arrive at the ideal attorney to be hired.

Willing to do the Hard Work

The patients suffering from slip and fall cases are already going through enough pain and trauma. The attorney should take an active role in collecting of the evidences, interviewing different people relevant to the case, work out the strategy to fighting the lawsuit etc. The attorney should ensure that the involvement of the client should be reduced to bare minimum.

Prompt Communication

Prompt and open communication is very important between an attorney and their clients. The clients are apprehensive about the legal proceedings and the attorney should pacify all their apprehensions and fears. This also helps in building trust between them which is important for fighting the lawsuit successfully. The attorney should keep he clients posted on the progress and communicate with them promptly.

Defend from Character Assault

In some slip and fall cases, the attorneys of the accused parties can question the character of the victim into judgment by arguing that the victim does not deserve any compensation. The clients should discuss any concerns with their attorneys and be sure that they have the appropriate strategy to contest such claims if made in future. Attorneys who invest time beforehand in planning the finer prints of the lawsuit have better chances of success and getting adequate compensation for their clients.





Reasons to Hire an Affordable Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney


If you find yourself or loved one in a serious accident you will probably want to connect a personal injury lawyer. They specialize in getting you the compensation that you deserve or if it involves a loss in health or business due to another person‘s negligence.

Choosing the right personal injury lawyer is most important thing that you can ever do. In order to win the case, either as the defense or win damages, you surely need to have the best personal injury lawyer to fight for you.

Check the work

In order to find an affordable Atlanta personal injury attorney, you need to search around. Your preferable lawyer should have enough experience with him/her. You cannot even afford to have a lawyer who does not even know what they are actually doing. Hire one with a proven track record of high-quality work. Also, check if they take a reasonable fee and only the fee that comes with the agreement.

Ask your friend

If you know someone (your friend, colleagues and neighbor) who has successfully worked with a personal injury lawyer you can ask them about the lawyer. It can be the right lawyer for you but you need research on him/her before hiring. This is one of the best ways to find out a good lawyer because you will get information from a person you trust. Your friend can be able to vouch for the good quality work that he/got from the lawyer.

Lawyer directory

A good attorney can be also found through the lawyer directory of your place. Some of such directories come with comprehensive profiles or contact information of each of the listed attorney. Typically, their profile includes the experience of the attorneys, fees structure, philosophy, education and practice. A good directory lists up only personal injury lawyers with a valid license and those who are in good standing with the state’s Bar Association. A qualified attorney can give a detailed estimation of time and cost, be willing to speak with the client properly for discussion on a daily basis and make a fair and clear written agreement. Now, these types of directories are available online also.


The internet is the easiest way to search for an affordable Atlanta personal injury attorney. You can search through internet and with the help of your search engine; it is really possible to get more and more profiles of the attorneys. Most of the reputed personal injury lawyers have their own website today or internet presence of the firm, they work with. You can read though the profile completely but don’t forget to read the reviews on their previous clients on such websites. This process can help you a lot to get a high standard, experienced and efficient personal injury lawyer for your case.

Reference from other lawyers or bar association

Do you know any other lawyer? He/she can be from any genre of law. Then you can ask them to provide you with the referrals because they can refer one according to your requirement and your issue. Or visit your Local Bar Association for a referral service.


Learn More About Atlanta Affordable Attorney Slip and Fall Atlanta

Attorney slip and fall Atlanta TIPS...

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Personal Injury Attorney

A personal injury is an incident where a person is injured due to the willful ignorance, incompetence, or disregard of another individual. The personal injury can be serious and pose potentially dangerous medical threats. Such injuries may also have long rehabilitation periods. The victim can decide to file a case and claim compensation for such personal injuries. It is important to hire a good attorney who has sufficient experience and expertise of handling such personal injury lawsuits. Some of the important tips for selecting the best personal injury attorney are provided below:

Relevant Experience

The relevant experience of the attorneys in contesting personal injury lawsuits is critical before hiring their services. It is a specialized field and an attorney having good experience and expertise of fighting such lawsuits in the past should be considered. It is of utmost importance to select an attorney who has the experience of fighting lawsuits on they type of personal injury for which the victim has made a claim. A criminal defense, corporate or family mortgage attorney will not be very effective in fighting personal injury cases.

Asking the Correct Questions

The clients should schedule a personal meeting with their short list attorneys. This meeting will help them to try and understand the suitability of the attorney for their personal injury lawsuit. They should focus on asking the correct questions for assessing the attorneys.

Questions like the number of similar personal injury cases handled, number of lawsuits won, average amount of compensation provided to the clients, strategies for fighting the lawsuit, membership of professional bodies etc. should be asked. These questions will help them assess if the attorney is suitable for hiring or not.

Reputation of the Attorney

The reputation of an attorney is important in fighting personal injury cases. Their reputation will heavily influence the insurance companies, judges, other lawyers etc. during the tenure of the lawsuit. Clients should always prefer lawyers who have good reputation and a decent track record of getting fair compensation for their clients.

Empathic to the Victims

Hiring the best attorneys may not work out if the hired attorney is not emphatic and compassionate towards the needs of the clients. A victim of personal injuries may already be going through pain and trauma and the best attorneys try their best to address all the concerns and apprehensions of their clients. They should be prompt and open in their communication channels and should be available to reply back when the client needs any clarifications on any specific aspects of the lawsuit. Lawyers who are not emphatic to the clients and who are not available to respond to client queries on time should be avoided.

Avoid Paying Upfront

It is important to come at an understanding on the fees to be paid to the attorney. It is strongly recommended not to pay upfront. The clients should always select attorneys on a contingent fee model, where they will be paid a fixed proportion of the total compensation amount. This ensures that the attorney puts their best efforts to win the lawsuit for their clients in the shortest possible time duration and works towards getting the highest compensation for them.




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Affordable Attorney Slip and Fall Atlanta

2905 E Point St
East Point Ga 30344

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